By Eugene Hamrick, Director of Enterprise Analytics and Innovation
Adam Elrod, Data Strategy and Innovation Architect
In today's blog post, we delve into the significance of Power BI, a business intelligence platform, for electric cooperatives.
Utilizing Power BI fosters a culture where data is a shared story that resonates with each member of the organization. This approach is key in breaking down data silos and promoting a more unified, forward-thinking approach to data management.
The landscape of electric cooperatives often involves distinct challenges, particularly in the realm of data management. A notable issue is the prevalence of departmental silos. This division not only impedes the free flow of information but also restricts the access to vital data necessary for making informed decisions. This situation is encapsulated in a common industry mindset: “I know this data. This is my area of expertise. This is mine, and I own it.”
Such a proprietary approach to data becomes problematic when it's time to share it across different departments. A lack of familiarity among other employees and departments who are encountering the data for the first time can lead to misunderstandings.
Power BI addresses these issues by organizing and presenting data in an accessible and comprehensible manner. This solution is not just about making data available; it's about ensuring that it is easily understandable by everyone within the cooperative, enhacing efficiency and collaboration.
Systems and databases are siloed by design, but departments and people are siloed by culture and choice. Collaboration between departments and their data creates better informed decisions. We are better together.
Power BI is designed to tailor the presentation of data to the specific needs of various audiences. This adaptability is essential for a diverse environment where employees from different departments, such as engineers, regulatory affairs experts, and CEOs, interact with data in unique ways.
The primary aim of utilizing Power BI is to foster a culture where data is a shared story that resonates with each member of the organization. This approach is key in breaking down data silos and promoting a more unified, forward-thinking approach to data management.
Power BI offers a clear path for electric cooperatives to overcome information barriers, encouraging a more informed and collaborative working environment.
BrilliT, is leading the way in utility analytics and data optimization through custom dashboarding and visualization. We specialize in getting actionable data in the hands of those that need it, creating more efficient processes and workflows. Your data is there, it’s time to think out of the box on how you can use it to better your co-op today and for the future. Let BrilliT help you transform spreadsheets and databases into tools to help you get there.
BrilliT is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Rappahannock Electric Cooperative and was created to help co-ops tackle the cybersecurity and IT challenges of today's constantly evolving digital world.
About the Authors
With over 10 years in the cooperative industry, Eugene Hamrick brings years of data science, business intelligence, and member insights experience to BrilliT. How knowledge and expertise help promote data enhanced decision-making and analytic solutions, ensuring cooperatives receive maximum benefits from the use of data.
Adam Elrod is BrilliT's Data Strategy & Analytics Architect. He is an expert in turning data into stories and actionable items. He has worked for electric cooperatives for over seven years, applying his talents in public relations, member engagement, and data analytics to BrilliT.
The BrilliT team is here to help, and we look forward to serving as your data analytics, cybersecurity, and IT experts. Reach out to us with questions.